Methodology of the teaching of the mathematics for primary education: a diploma project


  • Ángel Míguez National Open University (NOU)
  • Ana Duarte Francisco de Miranda University College (FMUC)


Mathematics education, teacher training, curricular material


In teacher training plans, the didactic knowledge of mathematics is studied in a tangential way, it does not delve into the methods of how to teach a certain mathematical object; subtracting importance to mathematics education as a field that studies and investigates everything related to teaching, knowledge and evaluation of school mathematics at different educational levels. The Diploma in Mathematics Education project is an alternative aimed at the teacher to improve their training in this area of knowledge as well as their educational praxis. This research is projective with a transversal field design, which will allow to offer, to the teacher in exercise, necessary tools that help to promote and improve the teaching of mathematics in their environment of action, in a simple, concrete and enjoyable way.


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How to Cite

Míguez, Ángel, & Duarte, A. (2024). Methodology of the teaching of the mathematics for primary education: a diploma project. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 131–144. Retrieved from


