Analysis of meat performance to desposte in the municipal goods Maracaibo state Zulia


  • Emma Segovia University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Arlenis Albornoz University of Zulia (UoZ)


Meat yields at slaughter, channel and types of cuts, butcher classes


One aspect that defines the profitability of butcher shops as sustainable traditional companies for the urban distribution of food is the management of their main product, represented by cattle carcasses and their subsequent cutting into cuts for sale to the consumer. With the objective of evaluating the performance at slaughter in the butcher shops of Maracaibo municipality, Zulia state, a descriptive-explanatory research was carried out with a non-experimental field design. The sample was represented by 67 slaughterhouses stratified by proportional affixation in the 18 parishes of the Municipality.


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How to Cite

Segovia, E., & Albornoz, A. (2024). Analysis of meat performance to desposte in the municipal goods Maracaibo state Zulia. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 165–172. Retrieved from


