Intuition and prospection: reality and its impact on decision-making



intuition, reality, complexity, space-time, decision making


The decision-making process today is encountering the difficulty of apprehending reality as a whole from a transcendental esthetic plane, therefore, beyond the questions of what reality is or how it behaves, it has been considered necessary to establish what is desired considering the elements that intervene in it from the molecular and molar perspective in such a way that an entity can function effectively within a changing context with high uncertainty. For this reason, it has been determined, firstly, to analyze the reality observed as a world of possibilities, secondly, to analyze the issue of intuition as a basis for thinking about reality, and thirdly, to assess decision-making and possible worlds and, finally, to propose an outline of a Paideia that allows us to configure a new science of direction. The objective of this essay is to analyze reality and its impact on the decision-making process through an examination of the concepts of Intuition and prospecting because the world of physic particles is increasingly part of the daily work of the individuals and organizations.


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Author Biography

Ludwig Vera Rojas, Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad y Desarrollo Integral (CESDI)

Ludwig, Vera Rojas
Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad
y Desarrollo Integral (CESDI)
orcid: 0000-0001-7847-8934
Caracas- Venezuela


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How to Cite

Vera Rojas, L. (2023). Intuition and prospection: reality and its impact on decision-making. Observador Del Conocimiento, 6(3), 63–89. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación