Spiritual Care for People with Disabilities


  • Gregoriana Mendoza University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Vanessa Belloso Venezuelan Social Security Institute (VSSI)
  • Ana Graterol Venezuelan Oil (PDVSA)
  • Eva Mendoza University of Zulia (UoZ)


Spiritual care, transcendence, disabled person, insertion


Disability is a situation that affects the world population, so it must be addressed in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary manner. The objective of the research is aimed at the application of spiritual care to people with disabilities. The research was carried out under the qualitative approach using the phenomenological method, the key statements were 29, the information collection techniques were: direct observation, semi-structured interview, recording and filming. Recording and transcription technique were 58 discursive corpora, the method for interpreting the information was hermeneutical-dialectical.


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Referencias Bibliográficas

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Gadamer, HG. (1977). Verdad y Método. Salamanca. España. Edición Sígueme. 117-188.

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How to Cite

Mendoza, G., Belloso, V., Graterol, A., & Mendoza, E. (2024). Spiritual Care for People with Disabilities. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(4), 53–60. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/516


