Development of Alternative Strategies for the Control of Aedes Aegypti in the State of Trujillo


  • Carmen Castillo University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Luis Castillo University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Libert Sánchez Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Carlos Villegas Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Clemencia Guédez University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Luis Cañizales University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Rafael Olivar “Adolfo Navas Coronado” Robinsonian Technical School (ANCRTS)
  • Solbey Morillo University of the Andes (UTA)
  • David Abraham University of the Andes (UTA)


Alternative strategies, Aedes aegypti, dengue, cemetery


Dengue is a widely distributed viral disease, with approximately two-fifths of the population at risk. More than 50 million new cases of dengue occur annually, with a large number of fatal cases each year. Cemeteries represent breeding grounds for mosquitoes, important for public health. The objective of this research is to promote the development of alternative strategies for the control of Aedes aegypti in Trujillo. To do this, we start by raising awareness of the communities for their participation in the project, then carrying out entomological surveys to know the levels of Aedes aegypti infestation. Likewise, specific educational strategies are designed for the control of Aedes aegypti, respecting and highlighting local knowledge.


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How to Cite

Castillo, C., Castillo, L., Sánchez, L., Villegas, C., Guédez, C., Cañizales, L., Olivar, R., Morillo, S., & Abraham, D. (2024). Development of Alternative Strategies for the Control of Aedes Aegypti in the State of Trujillo. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(4), 61–68. Retrieved from


