Analgesic Effect of Meloxican and Ketoprofen Administered During the Preoperative Phase in Dogs Undergoing Orchiectomy


  • Jorge Núñez "Francisco de Miranda" University College (FMUC)
  • Eunice Alayón "Francisco de Miranda" University College (FMUC)


Pain, meloxicam, ketoprofen


Pain, an unpleasant sensation experienced by a living being in the face of actual or potential tissue damage, represents a defense mechanism and contributes to survival. Currently, attempts are made to achieve adequate levels of analgesia to reduce surgical pain to the canines. Good analgesia limits the consequences of surgery, accelerating recovery to the normal pre-surgical situation, reduces or normalizes hormonal and immune alterations, accelerates healing, reduces the rate of infection, self-mutilation and hospitalization time, facilitating manipulation of the patient. Based on the above, the objective of the research was aimed at comparing the analgesic effect of meloxicam and ketoprofen in orchiectomized canines.


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How to Cite

Núñez, J., & Alayón, E. (2024). Analgesic Effect of Meloxican and Ketoprofen Administered During the Preoperative Phase in Dogs Undergoing Orchiectomy. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(4), 77–84. Retrieved from


