The National Observatory on Climate Change and Health a Strategic Management Tool


  • Xiomara Vidal Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Laura Delgado Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Carlos Aponte Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Carlos Ramírez Bolivarian University of Venezuela (BUOV)
  • Benito Rodríguez Eastern University (EU)
  • Carmen Mora Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Darío González Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Francisco Larrea Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Freddy Oropeza Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)
  • Jorge Deháys Andres Bello Catholic University (ABCU)
  • José Pereira National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (NICA)
  • Juan Sánchez Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Karenia Cordova Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Magdiel Ablan University of the Andes (UTA)
  • María Sanoja Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)
  • Mercedes Pérez National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (NIOCA)
  • Pedro Alcalá Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MOPPFH)


Climate change, health, adaptation, vulnerable groups, observatory


Climate change (CC) is capable of negatively affecting human health. In this regard, it is required to collect verifiable evidence of the characteristics of this impact on the health of the Venezuelan population in order to provide information to the decision-making levels, which allow designing and develop adaptation strategies that guarantee the strengthening of the national health organization. To this end, the creation of the National Observatory on Climate Change and Health is proposed as a strategic management tool aimed at collecting, systematizing, analyzing and disseminating information on the effect that climate change causes on health and its social determinants.


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How to Cite

Vidal, X., Delgado, L., Aponte, C., Ramírez, C., Rodríguez, B., Mora, C., González, D., Larrea, F., Oropeza, F., Deháys, J., Pereira, J., Sánchez, J., Cordova, K., Ablan, M., Sanoja, M., Pérez, M., & Alcalá, P. (2024). The National Observatory on Climate Change and Health a Strategic Management Tool. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(4), 97–104. Retrieved from




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