Insulation, Identification and Capacity
of Biorremediation of Genders
Bacterials Bacillus, Enterobacter and Yersinia,
From Polluted Water with


  • Penélope Melo University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Ismenia Araujo University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Nancy Ângulo University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Alida Beltrán University of Zulia (UoZ)


Bacillus filicolonicus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter sakazakii, Bacillus mycoides, Yersinia aleksiciae, Bioremediation


Using petrolized waters, a study was carried out that included bacterial isolation, taxonomic identification and determination of the bacterial capacity to use petroleum derivatives (diesel). Initially, taking the cell morphology and tintorial affinity as a selection criterion, the isolation allowed obtaining fifteen bacterial strains, which were subjected to a selective preliminary test with Diesel, reducing the study group to eight, and then identified by the software ABIS 7 as: Bacillus filicolonicus PM5 (99%) and PM7 (91%); Bacillus subtilis PM8 (81%); Enterobacter sakazakii PM27 (85%); Bacillus mycoides PM29 (87%); Yersinia aleksiciae PM30 (82%) and PM32 (83%), in addition to Bacillus pumilus PM37 (92%). 


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Advanced Bacterial Identification Software (ABIS) © (2007-2014), [en línea]. http: // bacteria_logare.html

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How to Cite

Melo, P., Araujo, I., Ângulo, N., & Beltrán, A. (2024). Insulation, Identification and Capacity
of Biorremediation of Genders
Bacterials Bacillus, Enterobacter and Yersinia,
From Polluted Water with
Petroleum. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(3), 21–30. Retrieved from




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