National Lignites and its Possible Use as
Organic Amendment in Agricultural Soils


  • D. Lizcano University of Carabobo (UOC)
  • A. Camejo Mineral Products of Venezuela C.A. (MPOVCA)
  • A. Armado University of Carabobo (UOC)


Lignites, organic amendment, agricultural soils


The objective of this research is to determine the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of two national lignites, for purposes of use as an organic amendment in agricultural soils. The materials to be analyzed come from Lobatera, Táchira state; identifying as lignite A (LA) and Lignite B (LB). The following types of analysis were performed on both: moisture content, by the gravimetric method (15.8% for LA and 9.8 for LB), organic carbon content (% of CO), by the Walkley method. Black (47% for LA and 38% for LB), cation exchange capacity (CIC), by NH4OAc method, at pH 7 (51 and 35 Cmol / kg lignite in LA and LB, respectively), microbiological activity by respiration ( 3 and 2.9 mgCO2 / kg lignite / days).


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How to Cite

Lizcano, D., Camejo, A., & Armado, A. (2024). National Lignites and its Possible Use as
Organic Amendment in Agricultural Soils. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(3), 41–50. Retrieved from


