Standardization in Latin America in the Matter of Electromagnetic Compatibility


  • Ciro Tremola Engineering Institute Foundation for Research and Technological Development (EIFFRATD)
  • Marco Azpúrua Engineering Institute Foundation for Research and Technological Development (EIFFRATD)
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Engineering Institute Foundation for Research and Technological Development (EIFFRATD)
  • Luis Sánchez Engineering Institute Foundation for Research and Technological Development (EIFFRATD)
  • Gabriel Yuande National Institute of Industrial Technology (NIOIT)


Electromagnetic compatibility, electricity and electronics, standardization


In the last 30 years, Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEM) has established itself as one of the most important engineering disciplines in the design and construction of electrical, electronic and telecommunications devices and systems. In this regard, national and international regulations and standards set the guidelines on the limits of emissions, levels of immunity, techniques and requirements of the CEM testing laboratories to which such devices must comply.In the last decade, the need to carry out national adoptions of the CEM standards has permeated Latin America, mainly in those countries with greater industrial development in automotive, aerospace and manufacturing of information technology and telecommunications equipment.


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How to Cite

Tremola, C., Azpúrua, M., Rodríguez, E., Sánchez, L., & Yuande, G. (2024). Standardization in Latin America in the Matter of Electromagnetic Compatibility. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(3), 207–215. Retrieved from


