The desideratum of management science



Science of direction, organic intellectuals, challenges


Reflecting on the Science of Direction refers us to the thought of Gramsci (1986) and to deal with what has traditionally been called the theory of Administration (even though from the middle of the last century, the term “Management” was used). If its ultimate purpose were to rationalize the use of resources (human, material, technological and financial) to achieve particular objectives, we would explicitly state that the content and rationale of direction are merely technical since the means-ends relationship would be evidenced. Therefore, the direction could be defined based on technical prescriptions, with which the managerial discourse would gain strength. However, through the organization of organic intellectuals, the direction defines the means-ends relationship and how the purposes, capabilities, and relationship between people are articulated, which conditions the way decisions are made. In this context, organic intellectuals (Executives) have enormous challenges. On the one hand, raise the level of instrumental technical rationality marked by rapid technological advances. On the other hand, organize and coordinate the relations of production of goods and services among workers for decision-making in increasingly shorter times, which also occurs in a framework of complex power relations that characterize all social organizations.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Zavarce Castillo, Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ONCTI)

Carlos, Zavarce Castillo
Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia,Tecnología e Innovación
orcid: 0000-0001-9616-1308
Caracas- Venezuela

Oswaldo Esperanza Sevilla, Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana

Oswaldo, Esperanza Sevilla
Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana
Caracas- Venezuela


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How to Cite

Zavarce Castillo, C., & Esperanza Sevilla, O. (2023). The desideratum of management science. Observador Del Conocimiento, 6(3), 134–147. Retrieved from



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