Evaluation of The Tripanosomosis Caused
by Trypanosoma Vivax in Bovine of Laguneta
From The Mountain, State Miranda


  • José Ramírez “Simón Rodríguez” National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Victoria Ibarra “Simón Rodríguez” National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Yaremis Chacón Simón Rodríguez Experimental University (SREU)
  • Mariana Eleizalde "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Lucinda Tavares "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Armando Reyna "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Yanina López "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Marta Mendoza "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)


Trypanosome vivax, trypanosomosis, diagnosis, bovines, Laguneta de la Montaña


Trypanosoma vivax is a hemoflagellate parasite that causes bovine trypanosomosis, which mainly affects ruminants in tropical regions, causing a decrease in herd productivity. There are different methods for its diagnosis, among which stand out: parasitological methods, such as the technique of concentration by microhematocrit (CMH), immunologicals such as indirect ELISA (ELISAi) and molecular methods such as the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). ). The objective in this work was to evaluate the prevalence of trypanosomosis in a population of cattle of Laguneta de la Montaña of Miranda State, by detecting T. vivax by CMH, indirect ELISA and PCR.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, J., Ibarra, V., Chacón, Y., Eleizalde, M., Tavares, L., Reyna, A., López, Y., & Mendoza, M. (2024). Evaluation of The Tripanosomosis Caused
by Trypanosoma Vivax in Bovine of Laguneta
From The Mountain, State Miranda. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 17–26. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/563


