Pilot System for the Management and Handling of Water, Solid and Liquid Waste and its Use (Fonacit Strategic Project 2011000961). Advances


  • Germán Poleo “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Marcó Lué “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Rafael Piña Lomas de Tabure II Community Council and III (LDTCC)
  • Lucía Giordani Lomas de Tabure II Community Council and III (LDTCC)
  • Yngrid Segura "Lisandro Alvarado" Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Gosmyr Torres “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Florangel Díaz “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Luisana Bastardo “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Juana Asuaje “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Jhonathan Torres “Lisandro Alvarado” Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Xiomara Piña Territorial Polytechnic University of the state Lara "Andrés Eloy Blanco" (TPUOTSLAEB)


Tabure, basin management, environmental monitoring, project ARCAL RLA010


The strategic project of FONACIT 2011000961 seeks to promote solutions to the problem of water scarcity and its distribution in the territorial area of the Lomas de Tabure II and III Communal Council, Agronomy Decanato, Tarabana Nucleus, generating a management model focused on the saving of the resource, the recycling and the protection of the associated basin and its forest, which is replicable to other territorial areas.


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How to Cite

Poleo, G., Lué, M., Piña, R., Giordani, L., Segura, Y., Torres, G., Díaz, F., Bastardo, L., Asuaje, J., Torres, J., & Piña, X. (2024). Pilot System for the Management and Handling of Water, Solid and Liquid Waste and its Use (Fonacit Strategic Project 2011000961). Advances. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 27–34. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/564




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