Potentiality of Agricultural Soils Venezuelans to Kidnap Carbon


  • Yusmary Espinoza National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • Lesly Malpica National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • Manuel de Jesús Mujica


Soil carbon dynamics, silvopastoral systems, direct seeding, conventional tillage


The carbon sequestration (C) in the soil is essentially the process of transforming carbon from air to carbon stored in the soil. In order to evaluate the potential The SD treatment provided a higher proportion (30%) of C sequestered, compared to conventional tillage (LC), after several years of SD. The rates of C sequestered were in a range of 0.98 to 1.18 Mg C / ha / year. The highest rates were reached in soil under a silvopastoral system with a high input rate of plant biomass. of Venezuelan agricultural soils to sequester carbon, six field experiments were established, which included the application of green waste in a sandy soil (Ultisol), three tillage systems on a loamy loamy soil (Inceptisol), a loamy clay soil (Vertisol) and a loamy soil (Vertisol), application of bovine manure and poultry manure in a loam soil (Molisol) and a silvopastoral system on a clay loam soil (Alfisol).


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How to Cite

Espinoza, Y., Malpica, L., & Mujica, M. de J. (2024). Potentiality of Agricultural Soils Venezuelans to Kidnap Carbon. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 189–196. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/581


