Process of Agroecological Conversion for The Production of Potato Seed in The Marajabú Community, Trujillo State


  • Beatriz Daboín National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • María Morros National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • Francis Pierre National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • María Marín Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University (RMBNEU)


Action research, agroecology, exchange of knowledge, participatory diagnosis


From the reflection on the problems linked to conventional agricultural production, related to the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals, excessive tillage, monoculture, with negative consequences for the environment and health, this research was developed in order to investigate the process of agroecological conversion (PCA) for the production of potato seed in the Marajabú community, Trujillo state.


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How to Cite

Daboín, B., Morros, M., Pierre, F., & Marín, M. (2024). Process of Agroecological Conversion for The Production of Potato Seed in The Marajabú Community, Trujillo State. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 197–210. Retrieved from


