Corn Cultivation Response to The Biofertilization Under Different Sheets
of Irrigation in The Valle de Tucutunemo, State Aragua


  • Jairo Ferrer Romúlo Gallegos University (RGU)
  • Bestalia Flores Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology (MPPST)
  • Leander Delgado Rómulo Gallegos University (RGU)
  • Francisco Hernández Central University of Venezuela (CUV)


Biofertilization, irrigation sheet, water deficit, nitrogen fixing bacteria, Tucutunemo Valley


In a sector of the valley of the Tucutunemo River, Zamora municipality, Aragua state, the effect of the dose of biofertilizers based on free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria (FNVL) and phosphorus solubilizers (SF), on plant nutrients and the yield of corn hybrids for HIMECA 3005 consumption. Two irrigation sheets were used: 100 and 70% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc), and a completely randomized experimental design was applied with four treatments: 0, 1 and 2 L * ha -1 of FNVL and SF, respectively and Urea (150 kg * ha -1) with three repetitions.


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How to Cite

Ferrer, J., Flores, B., Delgado, L., & Hernández, F. (2024). Corn Cultivation Response to The Biofertilization Under Different Sheets
of Irrigation in The Valle de Tucutunemo, State Aragua. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 211–219. Retrieved from


