Granulometric characterization of surface sediments from Lake Valencia


  • Marleny Suárez Bolivarian Front of Researchers, Innovators and Science Workers (FREBIN)


Granulometry, geospatial, sediments, sampling, Lake Valencia


The granulometric characterization of the surface sediments of Lake Valencia are part of the results of the implementation of an Interinstitutional Work Proposal, carried out in May 2009, which had the objective of sampling waters and surface sediments of Lake Valencia for analysis. subsequent study; The MINAMB, the Lake Valencia Coast Guard Command assigned to the Bolivarian Navy, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industries through FUNDACITE Aragua, IAMAGIR assigned to the Mayor's Office of Girardot and the Regional Management participated in it. INCES Aragua.


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How to Cite

Suárez, M. (2024). Granulometric characterization of surface sediments from Lake Valencia. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 37–50. Retrieved from


