Strategic Guidelines for the Development of the Venezuelan Financial Sector Based on the Business Intelligence Cycle


  • A. Roo Western Discount Bank (WDB)
  • N. Boscán Rafael Belloso Chacín University (RBCHU)


Business intelligence, financial sector, strategic guidelines


The fundamental purpose of this research was to analyze business intelligence in the Venezuelan financial sector, identifying potential weaknesses within the development cycle that characterizes this technology, to facilitate the decision-making process. The research is descriptive, with a non-experimental and transactional field design. Direct observation and a survey were used as data collection techniques, the latter based on a questionnaire applied to the staff of the Business Intelligence area who work at the banks Banesco, Banco Occidental de Crédito, Corpbanca and Banco Caroní, institutions that form part of the part of the national financial sector.


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How to Cite

Roo, A., & Boscán, N. (2024). Strategic Guidelines for the Development of the Venezuelan Financial Sector Based on the Business Intelligence Cycle. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 91–100. Retrieved from


