Immunological Characterization of Synthetic Peptides Representing Natural Sequences of Leishmania SPP


  • Senobia Télles Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Lisette Latorre Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Zamira Velasquez Central University of Venezuela (CUV)


Chronological characterization, peptide, Leishmania Spp


In the development of vaccines against diseases caused by intracellular parasites, the elucidation of the associated molecular mechanisms is recommended, particularly the identification of peptides (T cell epitopes) that can stimulate T cell receptors. Multiple studies are carried out worldwide with the purpose of identifying and characterizing antigenic components of Leishmania that can be used in the detection of the disease and/or in therapeutic trials to prevent infection or post-infection. In this sense and for several years our laboratory has been dedicated to the search and identification of natural peptides from Leishmania spp. With the potential to stimulate subpopulations of cytokine-producing T cells associated with protection from the disease.


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How to Cite

Télles, S., Latorre, L., & Velasquez, Z. (2024). Immunological Characterization of Synthetic Peptides Representing Natural Sequences of Leishmania SPP. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 135–144. Retrieved from


