Pandemic, changes in the world and new society



Technology, world, society, pandemic


Technology has been and is a factor of change in the development of society. Technological advances are recorded from the seventeenth century with the 1st Industrial Revolution to today with the 5th Industrial Revolution. These revolutions are determined by technological ages, based on their impact on the world; that increasingly occur in shorter periods of time giving an account of the vertiginous evolution of technology. This technological progress raises controversies; because although it improves the conditions of civilization, it is no less true that it requires attention, being informed to the point of overwhelm, in addition to the increase in consumption, environmental affectation, loss of freedom, among others. Thus, the debate in the academic field persists, by those who are against and in favor. Among the pessimists, Heidegger considers technology a major threat; instead, optimists defend the progress and rise of technology because they are increasingly related to each other. In any case, we must not lose sight of the fact that an uncontrolled development of technology places man as its victim. As part of the purpose of this essay, the pandemic is highlighted, which has placed us at the gates of the digital age, with changes in the forms of the State and society. This digital era marked by big data, cyber government, industry 5.0 and the internet entails other forms of action of man in the world, with the consequent installation of a new world order, towards a new societ.


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Author Biography

Menry Fernández Pereira, Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad y Desarrollo Integral (CESDI)

Menry Fernández Pereira
Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad y Desarrollo Integral
orcid: 0000-0002-1624-8663


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How to Cite

Fernández Pereira, M. (2023). Pandemic, changes in the world and new society. Observador Del Conocimiento, 6(3), 208–219. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación