Chromomycosis: Disabling Familial Endemic of Goat Breeders in the Semi-arid Rural Areas of the Falcón State


  • Francisco Yegres Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University (FMNEU)
  • Luis Paris Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University (FMNEU)
  • Henri Hernández Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University (FMNEU)
  • Nicole Yegres Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University (FMNEU)


Chromomycosis, endemic, goat farmers, semi-arid rural areas


Chromomycosis, a non-contagious chronic disabling deep mycosis, is acquired through inoculation of the fungus present in the vegetation. This disease has a worldwide distribution. Cases are recorded throughout the national territory, being endemic in the states of Lara, Zulia and Falcón. The objective of this study was to contribute to its control through the location, diagnosis and treatment of those affected, to avoid the evolution towards disability and the consequent deterioration of their quality of life.


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Richard-Yegres N, Yegres F. (1.987) Cladosporium carrionii en vegetación xerófila: aislamiento en una zona endémica para la cromomicosis en Venezuela. Derm Venez; 25:15-8.

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How to Cite

Yegres, F., Paris, L., Hernández, H., & Yegres , N. (2024). Chromomycosis: Disabling Familial Endemic of Goat Breeders in the Semi-arid Rural Areas of the Falcón State. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 155–158. Retrieved from


