Integral Management Of Basins With Participatory Approach. Rios Pao In State Carabobo And Unare In The State Anzoategui


  • María Flores University of Carabobo (UOC)
  • Esmeya Díaz University of Carabobo (UOC)
  • Aracelis Arana Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)
  • Ilya Dávila Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)


Communication, management, watersheds, participation


Human conception and the use of resources define the interactions that take place within a basin. Under this premise, the Integral Watershed Management Project with Participatory Approach is carried out: Rios Pao and Unare cases, developed through five subprojects: Generation of a model; 2. Development of the participatory approach; 3. Training programs; 4. Endogenous development strategies and, 5. Communicacion public. This work presents the fifth subproject, its objective is to systematically disclose the results obtained by the other four and the social experiences that these have implied.


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How to Cite

Flores, M., Díaz, E., Arana, A., & Dávila, I. (2024). Integral Management Of Basins With Participatory Approach. Rios Pao In State Carabobo And Unare In The State Anzoategui. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 25–32. Retrieved from


