Sustainable Development, Complexity and Engineering: Symbiosis Necessary


  • Raiza Yánez Eastern University (EU)
  • Miguel Briceño Central University of Venezuela (CUV)
  • Alfonso Alfonsi Control Systems Architectures Research Group (CSARG)
  • Janett Yánez Eastern University (EU)


Sustainable development, complex thought, engineering in the 21st century.


The present work belongs to the project of investigation " Industrial Engineering from the perspective of the Sustainable Development and the Complex Thought (CI-03-020603-1691-11), and has as aim, study the challenges, scenes and horizons raised by the Sustainable Development (DS) to the engineering in the 21st century and identify the weaknesses, gaps and emptinesses of this one depending on the requirements of the DS. The realized investigation is documentary and of field, stocks in the theory of the complexity. The results show diverse beginning, technologies and tools for the sustainability in the area of engineering.


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How to Cite

Yánez, R., Briceño, M., Alfonsi, A., & Yánez, J. (2024). Sustainable Development, Complexity and Engineering: Symbiosis Necessary. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 55–64. Retrieved from


