Competitions Psicosociales in The Transfer of The Knowledge For The Companies of Social Tourist Production of Paraguaná's Peninsula


  • Ana Vera University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Gladys Reyes Malaga University (MU)
  • José Santos University of Zulia (UoZ)


Competitions psicosociales, companies of social production


This work has as aim analyze the competitions psicosociales of the human     capital in the companies of social production of housing as promotion for the transfer of the knowledge that stimulates the tourist sustainable development in Paraguaná's Peninsula, which fundamental intention is to determine the characteristics of the competitions that prevail from the Emotional área, of Development of tasks, of Identification with the Environment and managerial.


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How to Cite

Vera, A., Reyes, G., & Santos, J. (2024). Competitions Psicosociales in The Transfer of The Knowledge For The Companies of Social Tourist Production of Paraguaná’s Peninsula. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 73–82. Retrieved from


