Comparison of The Values Lipídicos, APO B and No-HDL Gives in Fastened Controls and With Heart Attack To The Myocardium


  • M. Lares Military Hospital “Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)
  • J. Castro Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)
  • S. Brito Central University of Venezuela (CUOV)
  • María Giacopini Central University of Venezuela (CUOV)
  • J. Herrera Simon Bolivar University (SBU)
  • B. Contreras Simon Bolivar University (SBU)


Cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, myocardium, hipercolesterolemia, lipoproteína


The aim of the present study was evaluated the scoreboards of cardiovascular risk apo B and cholesterol not HDL in individuals with heart attack to the myocardium (IM).For it, they were selected between the individuals who come to the consultation of Endocrinology of the Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo", 23 healthy subjects and 29 with IM, between 27 and 77 years, of both sexes.The profile decided lipídico and apo B-100 for Roche Diagnóstico's colorimetric test and group calculated not-HDL-C.El control presented minor concentrations in all the parameters lipídicos evaluated, with regard to the patients with heart attack to the myocardium and major concentration of cholesterol HDL.The scoreboards were compared apo B and not HDL-C between the groups, being significant difference alone between the concentrations of apo B.


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How to Cite

Lares, M., Castro, J., Brito, S., Giacopini, M., Herrera, J., & Contreras, B. (2024). Comparison of The Values Lipídicos, APO B and No-HDL Gives in Fastened Controls and With Heart Attack To The Myocardium. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 101–106. Retrieved from


