Effect of Metabolites of Ten Isolations of Trichoderma SPP, Envelope Rhizoctonia Solani under Conditions In Vitro


  • Rosaima García Socialist School of Tropical Agriculture (SSOTA)
  • Nelly Díaz Institute for Advanced Studies (IFAS)
  • Ramón Riera Territorial Polytechnic University of Mérida “Kléber Ramírez” (TPUOMKR)


Potato, Trichoderma, Rhizoctonia solani, metabolites, biocontrol


The antagonist fungus Trichoderma spp. Has been recommended as an alternativ for agroecological management of R. solani in potatoes. In order to select native isolates of this fungus, three trials were conducted under in vitro conditions, using 10 isolates of Trichoderma spp native to the Andean region of Venezuela against one of R. solani: the first consisted of contrast tests to determine volatile metabolites; the second using the cellophane paper method to filter the non-volatile metabolites diffusible in culture medium and then growing R. solani in it, and a third obtaining extracellular metabolites with a determined liquid medium and proof of their effect against R. solani.  


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How to Cite

García, R., Díaz, N., & Riera, R. (2024). Effect of Metabolites of Ten Isolations of Trichoderma SPP, Envelope Rhizoctonia Solani under Conditions In Vitro. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 167–176. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/630


