Establishment of Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination Programs in Sheep and Goats as a Routine Procedure


  • José Rodríguez University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Gladys Hidalgo University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Mardon Rodríguez University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Roneis Morales University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Rosa Chango University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • José Aranguren University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Mariela Mavarez University of Zulia (UOZ)


Sheep, goats, heat synchronization, laparoscopic artificial insemination


 Artificial insemination (AI) is an important method in assisted reproduction. It is appropriate for the genetic dispersion and increase the superior genotypes quickly. Previously it was thought that AI in small ruminants was impractical, due to the difficulty in controlling their estral cycle (CE) and the inability to freeze semen. However, today both procedures are possible. In Venezuela, the development of these farms has not been achieved, which is why it is considered necessary to implement AI programs.The flocks of sheep and goats of the Experimental Center of Animal Production of the Veterinary School of LUZ were used. The animals were synchronized with intravaginal sponges impregnated with 60 mg of Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP), they were IA laparoscopically with semen frozen in straws.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, J., Hidalgo, G., Rodríguez, M., Morales, R., Chango, R., Aranguren, J., & Mavarez, M. (2024). Establishment of Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination Programs in Sheep and Goats as a Routine Procedure. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 177–182. Retrieved from




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