Study, Multiplication and Selection of Cariaco Maize Seeds through a Peasant Network. Advance 2011-2012


  • Andrés Avellaneda "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Wilfredo Herrera "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Héctor Ochoa "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Gustavo Jiménez "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Manuel Blanco "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Víctor Talante "Simón Rodríguez" National Experimental University (SRNEU)


Corn seeds, Cariaco corn, indocampesina agriculture, production systems


The purpose of this research was to study, multiply and select Cariaco corn seeds, reintroducing them in localities with practices and knowledge of peasant agriculture, with a view to the reconstruction of a peasant network for the cultural return of this appreciated corn. The project covers the production until the consumption of foods from Cariaco corn. The aim is to vindicate the role of the peasants as genetic breeders according to their cultural conditions and demands, assuming the original peoples and peasants as transforming objects, restoring Indo-peasant agriculture against the systems of production and consumption born of the green  revolution.


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How to Cite

Avellaneda, A., Herrera, W., Ochoa, H., Jiménez, G., Blanco, M., & Talante, V. (2024). Study, Multiplication and Selection of Cariaco Maize Seeds through a Peasant Network. Advance 2011-2012. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 183–192. Retrieved from


