Conocimiento sobre los factores de riesgo de hipertension arterial en el bloque 4 de Propatria, Parroquia Sucre, Caracas
High blood pressure, Risk Factors, Primary care, Barrio Adentro, Health CommitteesAbstract
High blood pressure (HBP) constitutes one of the most important public health problems worldwide, since it is frequent, generally asymptomatic, easy to diagnose and treat, and has fatal complications if it is not adequately treated. It's not just a disease. In Venezuela, HTN represents a high cardiovascular risk disease and among the twenty-five leading causes of death are cardiovascular diseases, with a high diagnosed rate, with Block 4 being 27.8% of the inhabitants. With the purpose of identifying and evaluating the level of knowledge about HTN and its risk factors in the 23 de Enero Parish of Caracas, the knowledge of the inhabitants of Block 4 was evaluated by applying a structured survey and carrying out an educational intervention strategy through workshops, talks, banners, billboards and conversations.
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