Technological development of low-cost robots for human body rehabilitation applications: virtual prototype for the lower extremity


  • Miguel Díaz Rodríguez University of the Andes (UoTA)
  • Walter Ocanto University of the Andes (UoTA)
  • Gilberto González Parra University of the Andes (UoTA)


Physiatrists, trauma, rehabilitation, physiotherapists, robotics, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion


Ankle injuries correspond to the most frequent group of traumatic injuries in sports activities and daily life. Therefore, the demand in trauma centers for ankle rehabilitation is large. This activity is commonly performed by a physical therapist in conjunction with the patient. The therapist performs a series of exercises on the patient's foot which require arduous and repetitive work activity. For this reason, the rehabilitation activity is suitable to be assisted by a robotic system. The use of a robotic system that includes sensors has the advantage of recording information of great interest to evaluate the patient's recovery progress.


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How to Cite

Díaz Rodríguez, M., Ocanto , W., & González Parra , G. (2024). Technological development of low-cost robots for human body rehabilitation applications: virtual prototype for the lower extremity. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 27–33. Retrieved from


