Variation in mercury levels in the blood of the inhabitants of Puerto Ordaz and Mérida, during the years 2004-2010


  • Edyleiba Rojas University of the Andes (UoTA)
  • Carlos Rondón University of the Andes (UoTA)
  • Urey Ramírez University of the Andes (UoTA)


Mercury, toxicological risk, contaminant, waste, methylmercury, mining activity


It is known that mercury and its compounds are very toxic substances for people and have a high polluting power.  People who live near areas with mining and industrial activity constitute a population at toxicological risk.  The objective of this work is to determine the total mercury content present in some inhabitants of two cities in Venezuela with different economic activity such as Puerto Ordaz and Merida.


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How to Cite

Rojas, E., Rondón, C., & Ramírez, U. (2024). Variation in mercury levels in the blood of the inhabitants of Puerto Ordaz and Mérida, during the years 2004-2010. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 48–56. Retrieved from


