Ethnobotanical use and acute toxicity study of bark extract Angostura trifoliata (willd) T.S. Elijah


  • Yenys Gimón Central University of Venezuela(CUoV)
  • Beatriz Guevara Central University of Venezuela(CUoV)
  • Trina Collman Central University of Venezuela(CUoV)


Alkaliodes, etrobotanical, toxic, macerated ethanol, Angostura bark


The bark of Angostura trifoliata (Willd.) T.S Rutaceae has been used for therapeutic purposes in Venezuela. Objective: Determine the ethnobotanical use of this plant and study its toxic effects. Methodology: Using a protocol, previously validated in the La Florida, Anaco sector; A descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 76 users of the bark of this plant, in popular markets of: Anaco. Mérida and Bolívar, to people over 18 years of age.


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How to Cite

Gimón, Y., Guevara, B., & Collman, T. (2024). Ethnobotanical use and acute toxicity study of bark extract Angostura trifoliata (willd) T.S. Elijah. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 65–71. Retrieved from




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