Optimization of work and energy efficiency in a mixed or limited pressure cycle


  • Manuel Malaver Caribbean Maritime University


Dual cycle, compression ratio, thermal efficiency, power production, net work, maximum temperature, minimum temperature


In the present work we analyzed the influence of some thermodynamic parameters such as compression ratio, pressure ratio, intake closure ratio and temperatures on thermal performance and net power in the standard dual air cycle, which is a highly useful thermodynamic cycle in the modeling of cyclic power production. The study of
the equations deducted allows to predict the operating conditions that allow to maximize the net power and to increase the efficiency of the dual cycle. For fixed values of
the maximum and minimum cycle temperatures and the intake close ratio, the net power increases with the engine compression ratio, reaches a maximum and then decreases. The value of the maximum compression ratio dependson the intake closure ratio, the working substance and the maximum and minimum temperatures.


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Author Biography

Manuel Malaver, Caribbean Maritime University



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Eficiencia energética



How to Cite

Malaver, M. (2025). Optimization of work and energy efficiency in a mixed or limited pressure cycle. Observador Del Conocimiento, 9(2), 35–48. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/694


