Impact of science and technology observatories on socioeconomic development



Observatories, research, indicators, policies, capacities


This essay analyzes the crucial role of science and technology observatories, particularly in Ibero-America, where resources for research and development are limited. It argues that an organization like the National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (Oncti) is essential for optimizing resource allocation and maximizing the returnon investment in science and technology. Observatories play a strategic role by providing data and analyses that guide decision-making in governments and institutions.
This facilitates the identification of priority areas for investment and innovation. Developing robust observational and analytical capacities to formulate effective policies that drive development is crucial. Furthermore, examples from countries like Japan and China are presented, demonstrating how they have used science and technology indicators to monitor trends and guide policies, contributing to their economic growth and competitiveness. The article concludes that the Oncti can generate precise diagnostics
of the state of national R&D capacities and propose public policies that strengthen Venezuela’s integral development
through science and technology, prioritizing actions that generate revenue for the nation and promote well-being for the population


Author Biographies

Prudencio Chacón, Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University

Luis Marcano, Central University of Venezuela


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How to Cite

Chacón, P., & Marcano, L. (2025). Impact of science and technology observatories on socioeconomic development. Observador Del Conocimiento, 9(3), 60–76. Retrieved from



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