Artificial intelligence: transformative pathway for human beings and shipping corporations?
Artificial Intelligence, transformation, philosophical dimension, management, shipping organizationsAbstract
Artificial intelligence is an appropriate tool in determining antagonisms and formulating unambiguous stratagems in organizations. unambiguous stratagems in organizations, it intensifies productivity through efficient mercantilist improvement that
materializes the individual in corporations. corporations. In its nature remains an imperceptible transforming pluriverse that coalesces imperceptible that cohere in the post-pandemic circumstances and the rethinking of the managerial rationale. In
the corporate discourse intercommunicate rehumanization in association with environmental protection and their and its consolidation on the computer platform. The ascendancy of informatics with collectivity generates a stimulation of the exploration
of unknown tangibility underlying its underlying its optimization, developing cosmovision that are constantly transforming in which it is constantly transforming, in which it is irreverent to safeguard aprioristic or incorporated into stationary archetypes of
thought and research, linear and transcendental archetypes of thought and research. The incorporation of technology in institutions enables the elaboration of self-managed structures that intensify manufacturing and suggest considerations of a man
ufacturing and suggest considerations of a disengagement of workers in productive modalities, the in productive modalities, the feasibility of occupational disengagement develops a dialectic of uncertainty. develops a dialectic of uncertainty that contrasts
the prospective stakes of neural interactions and the of neural interactions and the responsibilities that human beings will play in associations. Human beings will play in partnerships. The implementation of deep learning skills and deep learning skills and
cost-effectiveness in operational automation, predicts repercussions of organization al reproducibility stimulating questions of humanity’s purpose, in the presence of the purpose of humanity, and in the presence of these questions it is imperative to imper
ative the argumentation on the construction of philosophical dimensions to understand the emerging phenomenon and it’s to understand the emerging phenomenon and its preponderance in society. This essay manifests under a critical, introspective
and reflexive hermeneutic perspective the transmutation of the transmutation of the productive environment of the shipping collectivities and an and an elucidation that proposes a path for the transformation of man.
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