The energy management. Systematic strategies to optimize energy consumption systems



Energy efficiency, energy savings, energy consumption, energy managem


This research is based on an audit of the institution’s electrical systems, which was carried out by means of a field inspection. The data collected were recorded in a spreadsheet of consumption and detailed or global analysis specific for energy audits (Audipre). The energy audit showed how the different energy consumptions determine the total energy demand, sectorizes the consumption by areas and discriminates it in percentage terms, thus identifying the most outstanding problems. This information was used to develop the energy management plan, which was based on technical-organizational strategies based on the energy efficiency of the equipment, rational use of energy and energy savings. The above with an adequate planning for the installation, as well as clear measures of easy implementation. For this, considering the technical-economic feasibility that allows to develop its application and to obtain improvements in the system in the short term.


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How to Cite

Romero, D. (2022). The energy management. Systematic strategies to optimize energy consumption systems. Observador Del Conocimiento, 7(4), 58–75. Retrieved from