Techno-pedagogical design with the use of WhatsApp for university students in times of pandemic
Technopedagogical design; whatsapp; university education; pandemicAbstract
The present investigation is generated in the context of the Contingency Academic Plan of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, to comply with the continuation in the academic period 2020-1, due to the decree of State of Alarm throughout the National Territory, for the preservation of health due to the pandemic of COVID-19. The purpose of the research is to present a Technopedagogical Design with the use of WhatsApp, for the teaching and learning process of students in the curricular unit Biogeochemical Cycles, of the Degree Training Program Environmental Management of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, Caracas headquarters. It is a qualitative research, with field survey, based on the Action Research approach. The results show that the use of WhatsApp, as a tool for the teaching and learning process, in non-face-to-face environments, strengthens the social interaction between students and teachers. The reason why WhatsApp was adopted as the main communication channel, for the implementation of the Technopedagogical design, instead of alternatives such as email, was because of the acceptance by the students. The limitations of this technological tool are related to the students' connectivity.
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