Posibilidades presentes y futuras de la biotecnología en el cultivo de hongos superiores (sub-Reino Dikarya)
non-green agroecology; biotechnology; edible mushroomsAbstract
Frequently the potentials of microorganisms such as higher fungi are ignored, which as decomposers are an intrinsic and transcendental part for the existence and restoration of ecosystems, maintaining the trophic cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, and the transport of essential nutrients for the existence of biosystems due to the high variety of hydrolytic enzyme system that they release into the environment; useful functions for the development of agricultural biotechnology and its application possibilities in other areas of industrial activity, such as the agri-food, pharmacological, medicinal and environmental sectors. However, due to the importance of its contribution in the production of foods of high nutritional value, the recovery and control of environmental contamination, the reinforcement of health care due to its active biological substances and the development of an economically productive activity. profitable; shows that the bioconversion of the abundant lignocellulosic agricultural and industrial waste materials by means of the cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms is correct its classification as a “non-green agroecology”.
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