Interpreting the vision of the authors in the journal Observer of Knowledge Vol. 5 No. 1 in relation to COVID-19
Research; semantic network; speech analysis; Atlas-TiAbstract
This research article aims to configure the theoretical elements that account for the intellectual production of Venezuelan researchers on COVID – 19, reported in vol.5, n°.1 enero - abril 2020, Magazine Observer of knowledge. To systematize and analyze the information, a documentary treatment was developed. The processing of the data was based on the technique of analysis of speech or text, with the support of the Atlas-ti program, which facilitated the construction of the semantic network and data collection according to two categories of analysis: a) Significant descriptors and b) Regularity and descriptor relationships. The results reveal two theoretical elements: 1) Consequences of Covid-9: capitalism, complexity in the face of the situation and its articulation with scientific knowledge, 2) Actions of the Government; base for covid-19 solution and Covid-19 lessons in developing possible mathematical models, the Covid-19 vaccine and the use of technology in the education system.. It is concluded that there are many challenges that arise when thinking about postpandemic and are related to the reconfiguration and search for balance with the environment and multiple ruptures of today's planetary society.
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