Projects in education for endogenous development after the pandemic: reflection in action



Project; endogenous development; quarantine; educational philosophy


This article aims to present a series of reflections on the formulation of endogenous development projects for a post-pandemic situation and to offer guidelines for an alternative proposal on this object of study. In this sense, the imminent and uncertain epidemiological risks and the evident economic, financial and socio-political consequences lead us to reflect on the possibilities of prospecting the future in order to anticipate concrete and directed actions that will allow it to be changed, given that most institutions or organizations have been overtaken by the imprint of this emergency. Similarly, territorially the closure of cities or countries for fear of contagion leads us to explore other dimensions of geographical space where development projects should be expressed, thinking more about having their own resources than extending their search throughout an insecure planet. We conclude by stating that the development of projects for endogenous development involves incorporating the logic of the unpredictable into methods, formulation approaches so that they cease to be a written ideal and become flexible decision-making instruments in which the fundamental thing is the revaluation of the endogenous, both from the point of view of resources for development and for the determination of social needs.


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How to Cite

Ovalles, O. (2023). Projects in education for endogenous development after the pandemic: reflection in action. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(3), 112–122. Retrieved from



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