Proximal chemical composition and profile of fatty acids in fermented and dry almonds from superior cacao trees from inia (miranda state)


  • Clímaco Álvarez Investigación del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas
  • Mary Lares Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Neida Liconte Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas
  • Maikor Ascanio
  • José Perozo Asesor e investigador de la Alcaldía de Caucagua


Cocoa; benefit; clones; fermentation; saturated fatty acids


In the benefit of cocoa, fermentation and drying represent two important stages; in the first, the biochemical transformations that result in the aroma and taste of chocolate occur; in the second, the excess moisture that ensures the good conditions of storage and transport of the almonds is reduced. The objective of the following study was to determine the proximal chemical composition and fatty acid profile in fermented and dried almonds of three superior cacao clones harvested in the INIA Experimental Field and compared with commercial samples from Curiepe and La Trinidad, Miranda State. The fruits of clones and communities were harvested and benefited between May to July 2012. The fermentation of clones and commercial samples lasted 6 days, with two removals respectively. The drying was carried out in a cement patio for 5 days. The determinations of proximal composition and fatty acid profile were made according to the official methodologies of A.O.A.C.I and COVENIN. The humidity values were between 6.61 to 7.31%. The contents of protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrates were statistically different (p≤0.05) between clones and communities. The fat content varied from 52.34 to 54.45%, being the highest for La Trinidad and the lowest for clone 439. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in all the samples ranged from 64.78 to 65, 57%, observing low levels of unsaturated fatty acids in the communities.   The fat content varied from 52.34 to 54.45%, being the highest for La Trinidad and the lowest for clone 439. The proportion of saturated fatty acids in all the samples ranged from 64.78 to 65, 57%, observing low levels of unsaturated fatty acids in the communities. This profile allowed to characterize superior cocoa materials and commercial grains of the Miranda state.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, C., Lares , M., Liconte, N., Ascanio, M., & Perozo, J. (2023). Proximal chemical composition and profile of fatty acids in fermented and dry almonds from superior cacao trees from inia (miranda state). Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(1), 11–23. Retrieved from


