The university reform, before the redesign of the career administration. How to consolidate the values socialists and the epistemological redefinition of science administrative


  • Gloria M. Carrasco C. Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University


University reform, socialist values, administration


The present work is developed in the frame of the university reform, as a proposal for the reflection and consolidation of the study program of the career administration of the UNESR. Its main objective is to reflect on the role of the Venezuelan university in the epistemological redefinition of administrative science, in the context of university reform, for the consolidation of socialist values in the new administrators that the people require, which is it has been developing through a research, with the social actors of the educational fact in the UNESR nucleus Araure. Considering that the administration as a social science was created at the beginning of the 20th century, by businessmen interested in the growth of their companies, it is understood that these theories in a socialist system go through a crisis that does not allow for answers to society, since from capitalism you can not understand social work, if it does not generate a profit for the dominant classes. In this study, through dialectical research based on experiences in the learning environment, we present series of necessary changes so that the administration career is transformed in the same measure that is transforming the productive sector in the country and with it transform the mercantilist and commercial vision that characterizes the graduated administrators without the social formation that the socialist change requires.


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How to Cite

Carrasco C., G. M. (2023). The university reform, before the redesign of the career administration. How to consolidate the values socialists and the epistemological redefinition of science administrative. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(4), 55–62. Retrieved from


