The cinema of román chalbaud in the context of the semiosphere of culture and globalization


  • Írida J. García de Molero University of Zulia


Román Chalbaud's cinema, staging, semiospheres of culture, globalization


This research is based on a previous hypothesis that links the different semiospheres of culture that circulate in the globalized context of Roman Chalbaud's cinema. The objective is to explain and reflect on the Lotmanian textual semiosis of the phenomenon of globalization in the filmic staging of Chalbaudean cinema, based on the notion of identity and change in technical and technological mediations. It is concluded that in this film staging with certain activities located and the use of technical and technological mediations, the author puts into circulation the concept of the identity itself with respect to its relationship with the alien that is diverse and globalized with respect to the world and to the other social, allowing the interpreting spectator to reflect on the different semiospheres of Venezuelan culture and their respective fields of meaning.


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How to Cite

García de Molero, Írida J. (2023). The cinema of román chalbaud in the context of the semiosphere of culture and globalization. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(4), 63–70. Retrieved from


