Pedagogical model of the role of the subjects of the process of training in values in university education in Venezuela


  • Ledys L. Jiménez Bolivarian University of Venezuela


Training in values, Subjects, Bolivarian University of Venezuela



The pedagogical model of the role of the subjects of the process of formation in values is based on fundamentals of psycho-pedagogical nature, generated by "our-American" thinkers who assume the social character of education, the transforming role of it and the value of the pedagogical action to guarantee the formation of individuals who, as part of society, are configured as social and historical subjects to assume the need to constantly change their environment in the direction of the national liberation project. The set of actions proposed in the pedagogical model allow the articulation between the academic-strategic units of the Bolivarian University to direct the formation in values.These include: preparatory stage, axiological stage, stage of concretion and stage of evaluation of the formation in values in the bolivarian university of Venezuela Eje Barinas-Portuguesa. From the exchange conducted with students, teachers and managers is essential that the different stages of the model are interrelated in a coherent manner and highlight the link between the strategic-academic units of the university and lifelong learning, which favors training greatly in values at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV).


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How to Cite

Jiménez, L. L. (2023). Pedagogical model of the role of the subjects of the process of training in values in university education in Venezuela. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(4), 100–107. Retrieved from


