Descriptive analysis of the academic training in the school of social work of the UCV and the professional exercise of the graduate in the bolivarian revolution


  • Yerika Milagros Mata Ugarte National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Jocselyn Andreina Porco Basanta National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Darlenis Cristina Rivas Berna National Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation


Academic curriculum, academic training, social work, professional practice


The objective of the research was to establish the relationship between the academic training of the School of Social Work of the Central University of Venezuela and the professional practice of the graduates in the Bolivarian Revolution, constituting a descriptive - explanatory research with field design. The problem was raised from the discussions that have arisen in this school, with respect to the relevance of the curricular structure in relation to the historical, economic and social context of the country. The theoretical framework was based on the analysis of the evolution of Social Work and its link with professional training. The population was constituted by 228 graduates (as), of which a sample of 143 professionals in TS was obtained, coming from the UCV, to whom a questionnaire was applied. The results of this questionnaire were codified, tabulated and analyzed, which allowed concluding that there are weaknesses in the academic training process, evidenced by certain inconsistencies between the contents taught in the classroom, those established by the programs and the curricular reform . For this reason, it is proposed from the graduates, the curricular revision, as well as a process of monitoring and control of the subjects by the authorities of the school and the student body.


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How to Cite

Mata Ugarte , Y. M., Porco Basanta , J. A., & Rivas Berna, D. C. (2023). Descriptive analysis of the academic training in the school of social work of the UCV and the professional exercise of the graduate in the bolivarian revolution. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(4), 161–173. Retrieved from


