Carbon cycle in the soil of the flood planire of rio mapire, Anzoátegui state


  • Alejandra Zamora Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
  • Nora Malaver Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
  • Nelson Moncada Environmental Microbiology Laboratory


Flood plain, Mapire river, topographic gradient, biogeochemical cycles, microbial activity


During the rainy season, the mouth of the Mapire River is transformed into a complex system, a floodplain due to the increase of the water level in this river, due to the damming caused by the Orinoco River. In this region, there are areas with variable flood intensity, and spatial differences in soil texture and moisture content as a consequence of the topographic gradient perpendicular to the riverbed. The samples were collected at three times of the year (drought, onset of rain and flood) following a systematic sampling at 4 gradient points.



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How to Cite

Zamora, A., Malaver, N., & Moncada, N. (2024). Carbon cycle in the soil of the flood planire of rio mapire, Anzoátegui state. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 10–18. Retrieved from


