Transcompleja formation of the teacher of mathematics: consonances with the triad mathematica-cotidianidad- y pedagogia integral


  • Milagros Rodríguez Eastern University (EU)


Transcompleja formation, mathematics-everydayness, integral pedagogy, teachin


In contrast to the traditional reductionist formation of the teacher of mathematics and from the categories of analysis: transcomplexity and the triad: mathematics - everydayness - and integral pedagogy, a proposal of the teacher's training in mathematics is made in the present time. Imaginary are envisioned in terms of: the epistemological-philosophical foundations of mathematics, the nature of mathematical educational knowledge, the principles of mathematical educational theory, the components of the Transcomplexed Mathematical Education, the actions of the complex and transdisciplinary Mathematical Education, the nature of the transcomplex educational actors of mathematics and the challenges of Mathematical Education in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, M. (2024). Transcompleja formation of the teacher of mathematics: consonances with the triad mathematica-cotidianidad- y pedagogia integral. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 163–171. Retrieved from


