Design of an educational software for the reinforcement of directed vocabulary to english language students


  • María Ortega University of Carabobo (UC)


Vocabulary, english language, educational software, feasible project, TIC's


In this feasible project type research, the design of an educational software was proposed for the reinforcement of the vocabulary of the students of the English Practice I, a subject of the Languages Department of the University of Carabobo. This was developed in three phases: (a) diagnosis and feasibility, where a test was applied to 30 students of Practice II to measure their level of vocabulary and a questionnaire to two teachers of the English Practice I; likewise, the possibility of creating the software was determined; (b) software design; and (c) the evaluation phase where the quality of the program was established.


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How to Cite

Ortega, M. (2024). Design of an educational software for the reinforcement of directed vocabulary to english language students. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 57–64. Retrieved from


