Design and evaluation of a digitalized instructional module for the assembly of computers in the bolivarian liceo “Santiago Key Ayala” de Caracas


  • Nelson Velásquez Libertador Experimental Polytechnic University (LEPU)


Digitized instructional module, multimedia learning, new technologies


The Digitized Instructional Module for the assembly of computers arises from the observation and reflection of the researcher within the classroom, corroborating his need with the data of a questionnaire applied to the students of the 5th year of the Computer science specialty, of the Bolivarian Liceo “Santiago Key Ayala ”from Caracas. The Digitized Instructional Module is based on Mayer's multimedia learning theory, and uses the Ogalde and González (2008) model for the creation of instructional materials based on new technologies.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, N. (2024). Design and evaluation of a digitalized instructional module for the assembly of computers in the bolivarian liceo “Santiago Key Ayala” de Caracas. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 65–74. Retrieved from


