Online learning unit on the semantic web and its applications


  • Joseabel Cegarra University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Luisa Serra University of Zulia (UoZ)
  • Marle Martínez University of Zulia (UoZ)


Learning units, semantic web, online learning, ICTs


At present, the creation of knowledge through technology has allowed the educational context to adapt to the needs of each of its actors to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate innovations such as the learning units in the established competences, in order to make the semantic web known in the educational field. In this sense, the objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of an online learning unit, on the semantic web and its applications. An explanatory and field study was carried out, with a single group design with pretest and posttest.


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How to Cite

Cegarra, J., Serra, L., & Martínez, M. (2024). Online learning unit on the semantic web and its applications. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 145–154. Retrieved from


